Saturday, 16 February 2013

How buff is enough?!?

becauseimMuslim would like to introduce our new blogger, Zakariyya Kaka, whose articles will be more male related as this blog addresses male and female Muslims.

Walk into most gyms nowadays and what do you see?.... Young Muslim men with muscles bigger than their heads, picking up weights which are far too heavy for them to lift naturally, while the music is blaring in the background. And then if a woman has to walk pass, they flex even more and pick up an even heavier weight. The question is: "Is this permissible in Islam?"

Firstly it is not permissible to listen to music in a gym or anywhere else for that matter as there is a great deal of evidence which shows that it is haraam to listen to music produced by any musical instruments besides the duff.
Secondly, it is clearly stated that a man should lower his gaze.
It is also mentioned in the Holy Qur'aan ," Do not come close to zina" (17:32). By going to such places where there is open mixing of the genders, are we not coming close to zina? Yes we may not commit the actual act, but we do get some desires, and it is better to refrain from going to such places and lastly, but most importantly, is the issue of steroids..... The body is an amaanah(trust) from Allah and we are responsible for keeping it healthy. Steroids are medically proven to cause more harm to the body then benefit it. This is the main reason why it is classified with other drugs, alcohol in Islam, making it impermissible or in other words haraam.

Also, I don't understand why brothers think that having unnaturally large bodies makes them look good! Not only is it bad for your health, but it also looks bad, yet it has become an obsession amongst male youth. I am not saying that don't go to the gym or don't train, but do it in a way that will make it an ibaadah and not in a sinful manner. We should only go to a gym as an alternative to training at home, or a private gym etc. We should try as far as possible to exercise when the opposite gender is not present. If this is not possible then guard the eyes and refrain from looking at what Allah has made forbidden for you to look at.

In a hadith the Prophet (SAW) is reported to have mounted the pulpit, then wept and said,"Ask Allah for forgiveness and health, for after being granted certainty, one is given nothing better than health". Related in Tirmidi.
From the above we learn that staying healthy is very important. If one wishes to train, then one may do so, with the help of natural supplements which ARE NOT harmful to the body. We should also make sure that all the ingredients are halaal. We can turn our training into an Ibaadah by making a small intention before we start eg. "Oh Allah! I am trying to beautify this body which you have given me, and make it healthy so that i can partake in your service". Inshallah we will then be rewarded for our efforts. May Allah save us all, and Allah knows best!

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