Saturday, 5 January 2013

Do not let your sins silence your heart from calling out to its Lord

We are all humans. And there isn't one perfect human being that exists on our planet earth. We all make mistakes, and it’s only natural that we all commit sins, whether they be minor or major, and whether you are Muslim or non-Muslim.

But the problem that faces us Muslims today is simply moving on and getting closer to Allah after having wronged yourself, committed a sin/sins and seeking forgiveness from the Almighty.

Many a times, after a person has committed numerous minor, or even one major sin, they start to feel regretful, ashamed, worthless, grieved and empty.

These are the correct feelings to have after having committed a sin as they are segments which lead to the completion of one's Taubah.

But, however, sometimes a person tends to feel so worthless that they start questioning Allah's forgiveness. They conclude that their sin is too sinful to be forgiven and that they don't deserve forgiveness from Allah.

So, instead of seeking forgiveness, making Taubah and Istighfaar, and getting closer to Allah and away from sin, some people do the total opposite. They give up hope and believe that Jahannam has been written down for them anyways and that nothing can change their destiny as they have sinned too much.


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No matter what our sin, no matter how much we've sinned, no matter how long we've been committing sin... We should always remember that Allah is Al-Ghaffur, the Most Forgiving and Allah loves to forgive those who turn to Him in repentance. The following Ayats from the Qur'aan prove this:

 *"and whoever acts evil or wrongs himself, then seek forgiveness from Allah, shall find Allah Most-Forgiving, Very Merciful."

*"And verily, I am indeed Forgiving to him who repents, believes and does righteous good deeds, then remains constant in doing them".
(Surah Ta-ha)

*"...but verily your Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind for their wrongdoing. And verily your Lord is (also) strict in punishment."
(Surah Ra'd)

*"...Verily Allah loves those who repent..."
(Surah Baqarah)

From the above ayats we come to see Allah's mercy and how forgiving He is.

Even if our sins are more than the waves of the ocean, even if our sins are more than the grains of sand on earth, even if our sins are more than the leaves of the tree of the earth, even of our sins are more than the entire creation put together, then too Allah's Forgiveness is much, much, more than this.

 After having sinned, we need to:

1) Be ashamed and grievous over our sins

2) Leave off the sin, immediately

3) Intend not to commit that sin again

We need these 3 things, along with Istighfaar, Dua, good deeds and being steadfast thereon...
In sha allah, all our sins will be forgiven and we'll find ourselves getting closer to Allah and further away from sin.

I'll conclude with a short story by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb :


A young person, after listening to a talk, experienced a revolution in his heart. He asked me: "With my past, with the sins in my life, how is it possible for me to become a Wali?"

I said : "It is extremely simple. It takes just one minute to become a Wali. Raise your hands and with deep regret and remorse in your heart, shed a few tears and pray to Allah :
'O Allah, I have wasted my life, but I want to become Your Wali, and I want to become Your friend. So forgive all the sins which I have committed since maturity, and grant me the Taufeeq to do that which pleases You in my future life.'

You have immediately become a Wali. Now make an effort towards fulfilling those rights which had been violated. The effort made indicates to the sincerity of your Taubah."

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