Sunday, 28 July 2013

Defending the legacy of the Prophet (saw)

It happened then, it happened now and it will most certainly continue to happen.

At Taaif our beloved Prophet Muhammed [saw] was shouted, scoffed and jeered at. Driven out of the city, beaten SO badly that his Mubaarak shoes became filled with blood. Instead of allowing the people to be crushed, he forgave them and supplicated for them. Was this then not humiliation, disgrace and dishonour to our Prophet [saw] ?

In Makkah, when his efforts to call the people to Islam went in vain, was he not called a mad man and a liar? Was this then again, not humiliation, disgrace and dishonour towards him? 

As he stood on the mountains of Makkah, was he not cursed ? If this was not humiliation and disgrace toward him, then what does one call it?

They mock at the greatest man to ever walk the surface of mother earth. Can ANYONE, shine a torch, lit by a penlight battery at the sun, and expect the sun to be outshone? NEVER 

The west refer to our beloved prophet [saw] as a womaniser and a paedophile, Naa'oozoobillah! These are the qualities for which the West are known. He married Khadijah [RA] at the age of 40, well passed her peak and that too after SHE proposed to him. 
Besides Aaisha [RA], all his other wives were widows. These qualities best suite a man with great kindness, love and compassion.

A recent uprising was created amongst the muslim community with the release of the blasphemous, anti-muslim video. A person who could not choose a suitable title of a movie, most certainly ought to make a mess of the movie itself. The West, saw this as a way to de-humanise Islam, by means of this Movie.

Whilst the Prophet [saw] commanded women folk to cover their bodies, the West has asked them to bare their flesh. Never was a case of rape seen in the prophetic times, yet recent studies show the increasing number of women raped every seven seconds in the USA.
Nabi [saw] made a woman the queen of her home, whilst the West has made a woman the centre of attraction. An object, made to look so cheap with her images displayed all over magazines!

Then the movie talks about the prophet [Saw] as one who promoted and started war. For a moment let us take into consideration : who currently occupies Palestine and is responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people? Who dropped the first Nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing millions of people ? Who is on a mission to grab all mineral resources of the world? Islam or the West? Definitely not the muslims. In fact Muslims who drank from the cup of martyrdom thank the West for granting them with such great salvation.

Who was the man responsible for writing the first satanic verses? Or rather who was the first European soccer player to score a hatrick? Forgotten? Right? YET the memory of beloved Rasool [saw] is celebrated daily by Muslim all over the world.
15 million people visit the Rowdah Mubarak yearly. Besides this billions of salawaat are sent upon him by Muslims all over the world.

Allah [swt] has himself praised the name of the prophet [saw] in the Quraan, Allah [swt] says "Wa ra fa'naa laka zikrak" 

Isn't it an interesting fact that one in every four infants are named Muhammed. Isn't this a sign? A sign to the west that even though our prophet was a human, he was a means of connection from us, to our creator

It is very Important for us to remember these words said to us by a honourable personality. He said "We should not try to defend the Prophet [saw] in a way that would offend him" 

The legacy of this great Prophet [saw] will never ever die and his name will never leave the lips of those who remember him daily. 

I leave you with a few enlightening words said to us by a Persian poet ,
"Be careful with the Prophet Muhammed [pbuh], for God may forgive a crime committed against himself, but he never forgives one who hurts his favourite"


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